Someone who has worked as a front man for more than 50 years knows the importance of performance, support from colleagues on site and from the team at the headquarters combined with a high degree of commitment to the company and a profound understanding of its products and technology. Harald Müller’s lifetime achievements are yet to be matched in the company, region and industry. Long, strenuous, demanding, pleasant, short but in the end successful interventions made Mr Müller a welcome guest in all continents. Field experience, observation skills, and the sense for technically complex, interpersonal and intercultural contexts round off the courteous and discrete appearance of a man who has shown more stability than the vast majority of the workers in this country will ever achieve.
The ever growing economic wonderland Germany of the 1970s, the boom years the Soviet Union and the countries in Eastern Europe and their decline, the crises of the Gulf States, opening markets in Asia and one or the other visit to one of the distant and foreign countries are in fast motion the vita of an employee, whom KÜNKEL WAGNER owes special thanks to.